Languages spoken in addition to English:
Sectors Served
(check all that apply) *
Please indicate approximate % breakdown between “Residential” & “Commercial / Industrial” sectors:
Business Focus
(check all that apply) *
Please indicate approximate % breakdown between "New construction" & "Renovations / Retrofits" sectors:
Business Type:
(check all that apply) *
Business Type:
(check all that apply) *
Business Type:
(check all that apply) *
Do you operate a retail location? *
Do you currently host lunch and learn session for your natural gas contactors? *
Do you operate a showroom with energy-efficient products on display? *
Do you offer 24 hour emergency service? *
Are you a member of any of the following organizations?
(check all that apply)
Maximum of 500 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
*Steam boilers are a commercial only product. Please select the "Commercial / Industrial" checkbox.
*Commercial Food Service is a commercial only product. Please select the "Commercial / Industrial" checkbox.
*Industrial type equipment is a commercial only product. Please select the "Commercial / Industrial" checkbox.
Operating communities
Select the communities where you provide natural gas products and services. A copy of your business licence must accompany your application for EACH community checked below. A delay in your application may result if all applicable business licences are not provided.
Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast
Lower Mainland
Thompson Okanagan
Kootenay Region
How did you hear about the FortisBC Trade Ally Network Program?
Please provide the following information.
Representation and warranties
- Applicant acknowledges it has read and understands the FortisBC Trade Ally Network (Program) terms and conditions and if accepted into the Program, warrants that it fully qualifies and will comply with such terms and conditions.
- Applicant warrants that all information contained in this application and all information attached hereto is true and correct.
- Applicant acknowledges and agrees that it will notify FortisBC immediately if there is any material change in the application and the information attached hereto after it is approved by FortisBC.
- Applicant authorizes FortisBC to conduct an investigation as and when may be considered necessary, and further authorizes any reporting agency to supply FortisBC with credit information defined by the credit reporting agency.
I am an authorized representative of the business named above, and on its behalf agree that FortisBC may use the above information to promote the FortisBC Trade Ally Network Program. I understand this information may be provided to FortisBC customers and warrant and represent that it is true and accurate in all material respects. I also agree to notify FortisBC promptly of any material change in the information provided.
Electronic communications from FortisBC *
Please upload a legible copy of your Technical Safety BC natural gas contractor licence, business licence (for each operating community), proof of liability insurance ($2,000,000 minimum coverage), proof of WorkSafeBC or third party disability coverage and proof of natural gas appliance installation permits (for the past (12) months).
Required Attachments
The following documents must be attached:
- Legible copy of your Technical Safety BC natural gas contractor licence.
- Proof of natural gas appliance installation permits (for the past (12) months).
- Legible copy of your business licence (for each operating community).
- Proof of liability insurance ($2,000,000 minimum coverage).
- Proof of WorkSafeBC or third party disability coverage.
More uploads are required
For more information, call us at 1-866-884-8833 (option 3) or email tradeallynetwork@fortisbc.com